Creative DIY Wall Art Ideas - Personalize your homespace with Budget Friendly tips - South India's Largest Real Estate Developer

Creative DIY Wall Art Ideas – Personalize your homespace with Budget Friendly tips

As a home owner, you would be raring to transform your house into the abode of your dreams. Here are a few quick tips to give a makeover to the house with your personal touch using some quick and easy creative DIY wall art ideas. Fill those empty walls with yours imaginations and give it your unique touch with these budget friendly tips – 

Grab the canvas and splash the colours

Canvas Painting - Apartments for Sale in Chennai

A big and beautiful painting is sure to grab attention and set the right tone when placed in the right place. What better way to let the artist in you out! Grab the canvas and put on the creative hat! Use tape to create a herringbone pattern on the canvas, paint the canvas in bright colours and then remove the tape, what you will have for yourself is a modern Art. There are many sites that can help you with the task in hand. Get help and create beautiful pictures that you can cherish forever. Try it to create a unique piece of art for your home. It is sure to light up any corner of your house and give a total makeover

Wall decals for quick transformation

Wall Decals - Flats for Sale in Chennai

Wall decals are the new and trending transformation tools. You can get them done in paint through stencils and moulds of various types offered by all leading home painting solutions like Asian paints. You can choose one in sync with the theme and colour of your wall, and always have the option to change when you repaint the wall.

For the temporary and quick wall decals, there are umpteen available online, and in a very affordable range, all you have to do is buy the desired one and stick it at the desired spot on the wall. Right from natural scenery, birds and animals, colourful geometric patterns, to that of plants and shrubs, a wide range of wall decals are available for a quick and pocket-friendly wall transformation.   

Create a gallery wall and relive the cherished moments everyday

Gallery Wall - Premium Apartments for Sale in OMR

Nothing adds a personal touch and a cherished feel like a gallery wall.  Explore the treasure chest of old and new pictures of your family and create a gallery wall. There are so many beautiful, ornamental, cohesive frames available in the market and online, browse through them and select the best ones that will suit your purpose. Even a dull and mundane day will get a happy twist when you revisit the happy moments you had spent with your family. Create your happy corner with the cherished memories.

Beautiful wallpaper, a beautiful show stopper

Wall paper - Apartments for Sale in Chennai

With a wide choice of colours, patterns, and textures, wallpapers are a great choice for quick transformation of your home. A wide choice of them available in the market rightly complementing every room of the house as per taste. Apart from a wide range of options available for  living rooms and bedrooms, many apt and suitable choices are available for kitchens and even bathrooms.

These trendy new age ones are specifically created to withstand humid conditions, letting you add a decorative  touch to every corner of your house. Try putting up wallpaper on the ceiling for a statement. Fresh floral Motifs, textured colourful ones, classic monochrome ones, striped ones for depth, embellished geometric patterns, whatever be the choice of wall paper they totally transform your house to speak volumes of your personality.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, make my home the brightest of all 

Mirror on the wall - Luxury Apartments for Sale in OMR

Ever imagined that a single piece of decoration can do wonders to the look and feel of your room? Mirrors have it in them to make this possible. A beautiful statement mirror placed in the right spot as per the purpose can add more depth, create a sense of more space, brighten up the room, giving your living space an interesting twist.

Mirrors placed opposite to the window reflect light brightening up the space, when placed alongside the window adds more dimension to the room creating a sense of more room. Beautiful ornamental and vintage mirrors add elegance and make a class statement, while funky, trendy and quirky ones make the room lively and more contemporary. Buy the one of your choice and add a fun twist to your room.

Your imagination is boundless and so are the options to transform your home. DIY wall decoration ideas are a quick, fun, easy and affordable way for all the happy home owners, wishing to add their personal touch to their dream home. These DIY tips are just right for you, try them and live the positive change your creativity brings in.

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